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World Intellectual Property Organization - Patent Picks for

WIPO bears no responsibility for the content of PCT international applications and related documents. The bibliographic data and documents are updated daily and publication of new applications is updated weekly on publication day, i.e., Thursday, unless the International Bureau is closed for a public holiday in which case data is published on Friday. The WIPO COVID-19 Search Facility of PATENTSCOPE will provide scientists, engineers, public health policymakers, industry actors and members of the general public with an easily accessible source of intelligence for improving the detection, prevention, and treatment of diseases such as the novel coronavirus. This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results.

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The WIPO COVID-19 Search Facility of PATENTSCOPE will provide scientists, engineers, public health policymakers, industry actors and members of the general public with an easily accessible source of intelligence for improving the detection, prevention, and treatment of diseases such as the novel coronavirus. "Given the drastic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on human health and welfare, the world needs easy access to every bit of information available for the PATENTSCOPE is a free patent database made available by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) with coverage of over 60 patent collections. It is the primary and thus most up-to-date and complete source of data on patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and includes numerous unique features including cross-lingual semantic search, facilitating keyword search in multiple languages. PATENTSCOPE. Published PCT international applications in image format. Text of description and claims for applications published in: For more information on the data format, please visit: This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections.


出願(公開週別)の閲覧機能 (4) 翻訳支援機能(wipo翻訳) (5) ライセンシングの利用可能性 (6) アカウントを使用したログイン (7) patentscope. 参考情報.

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Ärendenummer: DSE2020-0060. 1. Sökande. Sökanden är Norra Strålskyddsstiftelsen är en insamlingsstiftelse som arbetar för att  via +. Foto: Google. #google #patent #vikbar telefon #pixel.

Patentscope wipo PATENTSCOPE  PatentScope är WIPO:s webbportal för patentinformation. Du kan söka bland över en miljon publicerade PCT-ansökningar, läsa offentliga uppgifter ur akterna  on A4 (larger tools) or A5 (smaller tools) format. Full text patent publications are available free of charge at or . patentpublikationsdatabas; PATENTSCOPE Öppnas i nytt fönster - WIPO:s patentdatabas; Patentdatabaser av patentmyndigheten i USA Öppnas i nytt fönster  The PCT application can be viewed here: BioStock has  External links: Espacenet · Global Dossier · PatentScope · Discuss 121 Ep: the epo has been informed by wipo that ep was designated in this application.
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Search national and international patents and applications. Speaker: Iustin Diaconescu,.

Speaker: Iustin Diaconescu,. Head, Patent Database Section, Global  22 Feb 2021 PATENTSCOPE (WIPO).
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WO2006074236A2 - Reduced smoking wick and candle

Det erbjuder inget alternativ att söka efter  ( [48] Wang, Y., Jacome-Sosa, M. M., Vine, D. F. and Proctor, S. D. (2010), Beneficial  FREQUENCIES (2015), Zamani Esteki et al., Concurrent Whole-Genome Haplotyping  FREQUENCIES (2015), docId=WO2015028576 Zamani Esteki et al., Concurrent Whole-Genome Haplotyping