Fun Facts and Silly Stories- Volume 3 part 5 - Pickatale


Amazing Facts about Australia's Heritage av Ste.. 373932851

Pound for pound, the strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter (jaw muscle). It can clamp your chompers shut with 55 pounds of force on the incisors and 200 pounds of force on the molars. 2. The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood supply – it gets its oxygen directly from the air. 5 Amazing Facts You Did Not Know About Computers. By Omar Sohail.

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2021-03-17 2020-09-14 · Fact: South American river turtles talk in their eggs Turtles don’t have vocal cords and their ears are internal, so scientists believed that turtles were deaf and didn’t communicate through 2021-03-26 · The 60 Most Interesting World Facts You'll Ever Hear 1 Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world's freshwater.. Just over 96% of the total amount of the 2 The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour.. Hang on to your hats because this isn’t your 2013-06-25 · Fact 451: During WWII, all the snakes and dangerous insects were killed in the London Zoo by the Zoo keepers in case they managed to escape after a bombing. Fact 452: The only living animal who has the same scientific name as their common name is the boa constrictor.

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Dagens Notiser. Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren was a Swedish writer of fiction and screenplays. She is best known 1 Biography; 2 Career; 3 Translations; 4 Politics; 5 Honors and memorials.

13 Top Amazing Interesting Facts about Sweden

5 amazing facts

The cost of  Here are some amazing facts from around the world that will really leave you amazed. 5. In Taiwan, there is a restaurant that serves food on miniature toilets. Learn incredible facts about some of our planet's most amazing and iconic animals, from the world's largest fish, the whale Top 5 facts about Whale Sharks.

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20 Amazing Space Facts 1. The moon is very hot (224 degrees Fahrenheit, average) during the day but very cold (-243 degrees average) at night. 2. Venus spins clockwise. It’s the only planet that does! 3.
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Emus can go without food for 2 months. Female Emu birds are slightly larger than males. The female Emu also dominates during breeding.

It lives in the sea or in lakes or swamps but also walks around on land.
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Amazing Weird And Interesting Random Facts Funny facts

Today Bright Side brings you 24 of the most astonishing facts about our planet from the book 1,227 Quite Interesting Facts to Blow Your Socks Off by J. Lloyd, J. Mitchinson, and J. Harkin to show you once more how amazing the world is. 2016-10-02 2021-03-27 2016-02-22 Harder to move than a mountain at times is the human heart caught in negative cycles such as anger, envy, greed and lust. Prayer softens the heart and raises our thoughts to God, who is ready to offer forgiveness and healing. 3.